Devlog 3

Week 3 Dev Log: May 29th - June 4th

What we have done so far:

We created a narrative wrapper by framing Windy Day through the lens of a live TV broadcast. It explains to the player what their objective is, and  narrates some of the player's actions. Furthermore, instead of decreasing size automatically, dashing allows the player to manually decrease 1 slot out of 5 for a temporary speed boost. 

What our next steps are: 

- build the entire level in greybox

- implement character controls (camera, dash)

- start writing newscaster dialogue 

- continue sourcing/creating important assets

Important discoveries along the way:

- The map is too large and should be cut down by 1/5 for player navigation and asset scope

- A scrolling black bar at the bottom of the TV screen may be realistic, but difficult for the players to read

Get Windy day

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