Devlog 5

Week 5 Dev Log: June 12th - June 18th

What we have done so far:

This week we've been rethinking the scope of the game and have decided to cut down the level into zones. The first (and perhaps last) zone we've decided to implement is the farm area. Instead of the somewhat outdated mechanic of objects growing in size through random wind sources in the level, each zone would be created for 1 wind size. Then the next zone would increase the player's size by 1 slot. This makes it easier for level designers to account for the player's size, and we can scope down easier rather than a large open-world level. Additionally, instead of dashing to decrease in size, players now 'slingshot' to have an added movement mechanic and they don't decrease in size.

What our next steps are: 

- fill out the farm area with the main objective and brainstorm optional objectives 

- create important assets for the farm (ex. barn, sheep, etc)

- change camera to be on the r-stick and rotate 360

- implement the slingshot mechanic 

- start programming sheep AI

Important discoveries along the way:

- players were often lost during the first playtest because there was little navigation for the size of the level 

- only using the slingshot mechanic in replacement of the standard l-stick was difficult to control, a balance between the two was best 

Get Windy day

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