Devlog 4

Week 4 Dev Log: June 5th - June 11th

What we have done so far:

There has been debate on whether a good path is worth implementing alongside the bad path. On one hand, players generally like to cause chaos and be evildoers (ex. Untitled Goose Game), on the other, having multiple paths and endings would appeal to a greater audience and add replayability, which would be beneficial for the Level Up Showcase. Ultimately, we settled on doing both paths, but less objectives overall to keep in scope.  More of the level has been greyboxed, and interaction with the plants allow for the first objective to be completed (drag plants onto the soccer field). 

What our next steps are: 

- decide on what the 5 main objectives will be, along with the narrative

- figure out how to make both the good and bad path fun for the player

- make the objective system more dynamic and easy for designers to work with 

Important discoveries along the way:

- there is disconnect between the player model being a tornado vs the intention of being a gust of wind

- floaty controls may be difficult to get right, we should lean into other game juice 

- include more audiovisual cues to guide the player's interactions 

Get Windy day

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