Devlog 9

Week 9 Dev Log: July 10th - July 16th

What we have done so far:

Since last week, we've added 2 new quests: players must push tumbleweeds off the island and dash near the windmill to generate electricity to fill up water tanks. There are new sheep assets, UI for the title screen/pause menu, UI for the objective list/stamina, and music scores for the background and news headline. There are also new assets for the objective and writing. 

What our next steps are: 

- continue to fix bugs like looping music 

- start implementing the easter egg interactions 

- continue updating assets 

Important discoveries along the way:

- the new TV mini UI may be difficult to understand. It's more in theme at the sacrifice of clarity. We will have to create a hint system for it 

Get Windy day

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